Thursday, August 29, 2019

Quick Maths Visualization Brain Teaser with answer

Here is the Mathematical Brain Teaser which will test not only your Mathematical skills but also will test your visualization skills. In this Maths puzzles, the pages torn by a boy is given. You have to imagine the position of these pages visually in your mind and then solve this picture puzzle as quickly as possible.
My son was playing with a book and tore out pages 7, 8, 100, 101, 222 and 223. How many pages were torn out?
Can you solve this?

The answer to this Quick Maths Visualization Brain Teaser can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Carlos said...


LESLIE said...


Unknown said...

Er, my initial thought was three and was about to call you a twit. But, having physically checked this – I whole-heartedly apologise!

Unknown said...

I think it's 5 - 7 and 8 are on the same paper but the other 4 are on different papers. (odd numbers on the front, evens on the back)

Unknown said...

I think even 4 can also be the answer considering even odd pages together.

Unknown said...

What is the answer ?
How many pages 🤨

Dr Dare2care said...

Sorry, the CORRECT answer is not listed. Here is what was missed.

A page is one side of a leaf (or sheet) of paper, parchment or other material (or electronic media) in a book, magazine, newspaper, or other collection of sheets, on which text or illustrations can be printed, written or drawn, to create documents

With that as the definition of the word page- the answer is 10.

Tmsmile said...

The Answer is 5 Pages. Considering the 1st page starts on the right hand side, then page 2 is printed on the back of the first page. It means that any two consecutive odd-even numbered pages will fall on the same page while two consecutive even-odd pages will fall on two different consecutive pages. So considering this 5 pages of the book were torn by the boy

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Because 7,8,100,101,222,223 are the page numbers.

vishnum1974 said...

Answer is 3 pages

Unknown said...


Unknown said...
