Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Water Flow Observational Brain Teaser with Answer

How good are you in observing a given picture? If you think that your visual skills are good, then this is the puzzle worth trying to test your observation skills. Can you tell which cup will get filled first?
In this Water Flow Observational Brain Teaser, your challenge is to find the water tank which will get filled first
Which tank will fill up first?

Answer to this Water Flow Observational Brain Teaser can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Anonymous said...

What about #8... #7 Is leaking into it so wouldn't it get filled up?

Shake The Brain said...

You are right. It will be #8 which will get filled. Leaked water from #7 will fall into #8. We have corrected our answer.
Thanks for providing your comments

bsd said...

I said #4 thinking it was the lowest and would fill first as "room" flooded from the hole in #7, but only because I could not see cup #8 thanks to the ad bar covering it up.

Idiot said...

It’s #1, first of all #1 has to fill all the way to the top almost to even fill number two, so while it is filling number two number one WILL fill first.

Barry Jensen said...


Unknown said...

Assuming that the rate of flow remains as per a low number of droplets, #1 will never fill to the top as it always has an escape via #2, #7, #8.

Unknown said...

Assuming that the rate of flow remains as per a low number of droplets, #1 will never fill to the top as it always has an escape via #2, #7, #8.

aman singh said...

6 will be filled first since the water entering 2 will first move to the bottom then to 6 and until when the 6th one dont get filled 2 cant be filled thus nither 7 or 8 will be filled

Unknown said...

I agree the answer is 6, th cup

Unknown said...


Brainache said...

6 is blocked it will be 8

Unknown said...

8 is the only true bucket

Unknown said...

number 8

Unknown said...

6 adoy

Anonymous said...